Reichian Therapy and Transactional Analysis Treatment Program




Reichian Therapist and Counselor

Seize Your One Precious Life

How we protect ourselves from life.

As children we learn to push away difficult feelings in order to protect our most valuable selves. At the time this worked well for us.

But these defenses of childhood become anchored in our bodies and personalities armoring us with a protective shield of tight muscles that restricts our ability to breathe deeply, blocks our life energy and vitality and affects our daily functioning.

Then as adults, we often experience extreme frustration with life, angry that we know we have what it takes to be a fully functioning, empowered human being but not able to figure out how to get it.

We can go through life wondering how to fulfill our potential as human beings and fully participate in the greater theater of life. Or asking how to find meaning and purpose in life, how to stop destructive behaviors that so far have held us back, or how to solve daily problems that need to be solved.

Our bodies remember. This is a body/mind approach.

As you learn to release the held-in emotions from childhood (anger, pain and fear), muscles relax and you come into contact with yourself and others. Working with your emotions builds inner resources and competence. Astonishingly, you discover that your wounds heal and you literally grow a bigger self. Now you can claim the gifts that life has reserved for you.

Reichian Therapy releases emotions locked in the body.

Powerful breathing techniques and physical processes help free up emotions that have been frozen since childhood. They are brought to the surface, experienced and released. Even the most severe emotional damage can be healed and resolved so that you approach the natural state of being that you experienced as a child. It is an adventure in self-discovery.

As you express past and present emotions, and release them from your physical body, the following changes occur:

- Psychosomatic disorders disappear, vision can improve, breathing can become freer, deeper, physical gracefulness develops and you discover that you are youthing instead of aging.

- You gain the ability to make good life decisions.

- You live more in the moment and from a deeper place in yourself.

- You move past limiting behaviors and beliefs that kept you back.

- You become a fully alive and vibrant human being who appreciates the depths of healthy emotions.

Transactional Analysis and Reichian Therapy Integration.

Transactional Analysis, created by Dr. Eric Berne, is a sophisticated talking approach that when combined with Reichian Therapy gives the full-spectrum tool to process issues that are brought up. Hence, this program treats the whole person: body and mind. This leads to your full potential as a human being.


Reichian Therapy Treatment Program:

  Private individual on-going sessions

Reichian Therapy Workshop – held 3rd Sunday of each month

Couples counseling

Apprenticeship training

Consulting to Therapists

Reichian Therapy Workshop - held the third Sunday of every month 6:00 to 9:00 pm in West Los Angeles.

Pre-interview required before participation, except for practicing and experienced therapists.


Therapeutic issues. The list of issues that this powerful therapy can help to resolve is too long to include here. But since all experiences are registered in your body, you can bring any issues to therapy:

- from substance abuse to depression and anxiety

- from post traumatic stress disorder to sexual dysfunction

- from communication problems to blocked creativity

- from grief and loss to career management

- from existential malaise to clarification of identity

- from confusion to gender clarification.

No matter what your issues, this program helps you to finally become a self-actualizing, empowered human being who can be more successful in any personal or professional endeavor.

For mental health professionals

This is a practical way to enrich your own life away from the demands of your profession. Entirely confidential, private, supportive, non-judgmental. An excellent process that will enrich you and enrich you as a professional.

What clients are saying...

The testimonials below are used with permission; but, names have been withheld for reasons of confidentiality.

"I had become completely estranged from myself. This program helped me to know who I am, what I am and where I am going." Psychologist

"I used to procrastinate so badly I endangered my career. I lived in fear. Now I never procrastinate and I'm on top of my litigation practice–I even made good will connections with the opposing attorneys." Litigation Attorney

"I never could have managed the cancer treatment program and the doctors if I hadn't gone through the Reichian Therapy Program." Union Executive

"After having attended only one workshop, my only thought was: "What a gift!" Marriage and Family Therapist

"This program led me through my post traumatic stress disorder. I have benefited immensely." Medical Doctor

"This program showed me that I am more than I had ever imagined myself to be." Artist

"Bond Wright is a gifted and caring genius. She has been my greatest teacher." Educator

About Rev. Bond Wright MA, CRT

For over 20 years Wright has been in private practice in Holland and the USA, presenting workshops, forums, therapist training, and the Reichian Therapy Treatment Program for individuals. She is a third generation Reichian Therapist, practicing in the direct tradition of Dr. Wilhelm Reich.

Wright founded the Wright Bodymind Therapy Center in Los Angeles in 1979.

She is a member of the United States Association of Body Psychotherapists and the Association For The Integration Of The Whole Person (A.I.W.P.) a California Sate Charter of ministers/therapists teaching cross-cultural anthropological spirituality. She is a Certified Mediator.

Call (310) 450-3396 to request Bond Wright's Special Report "An Introduction to Reichian Therapy." Or ask for your free consultation.

"Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our lives. They should govern it." Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Copyright © Wright Bodymind Therapy Center 2009